Mistakes in the human gene are considered a module of life. As we age and the number of DNA increases, minor problems begin to appear in our ...
A new study out of the Georgia School of Medicine found an answer to the question of which of the two sexes sleeps the most. Experiments ...
Most of us are familiar with the theory that dinosaurs went extinct 66 million years ago due to a meteorite that crashed into the earth and then ...
Fossils discovered as a result of research conducted all over the world provide the scientific world with valuable information about the history ...
Despite all the treatments available today, typhoid fever, which is especially effective in underdeveloped countries, causes the death of an ...
A small dinosaur leg fossil was discovered in the southwestern United States of North Dakota. It is true that every newly found fossil is worth ...
While both the benefits and harms of salt consumption have been a subject of great research by the scientific world for a long time, another ...
Almost everyone, scientific or not, has heard of 'dark matter' at least once. But for many of us, the dark element is still a mystery ...
Every study on octopuses illuminates the mystery of these creatures' almost natural skills. One of these abilities is that they can change ...
While money is being spent on quality fertilizers for plant growing today, things did not work this way many years ago. Humans were known to ...
While the issue of applying a vegan diet to pets continues to be debated in terms of its appropriateness and ethics, many people especially ...
It can be said that the brain, which controls each function in the body by calculating one by one, like a biological computer system, is ...