A 66-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Leg Fossil Has Been Discovered

A small dinosaur leg fossil was discovered in the southwestern United States of North Dakota. It is true that every newly found fossil is worth understanding in every way, about the lost times that we know little about; However, according to the researchers examining the fossil, it may be possible that there is a special reason that makes this fossil valuable.

According to the researchers, this leg of the thescelosaurus, which is a herbivore species, may have been separated from the rest of the body on the day the meteorite, which wiped out the dinosaurs forever, hit the Earth, according to the researchers. In other words, this means that the fossil is from 66 million years ago.

Dinosaur leg may be related to the last day that dinosaurs roamed the earth

assumes it is. That said, the researchers also found fish breathing in the debris at the time of the meteorite’s impact, a fossil turtle pierced by a wooden stake, small mammalian remains and nests, skin of a horned triceratops, a pterosaur embryo inside the egg, and possibly a cut from the asteroid. is being done.

Paul Barrett of the London Museum of Natural History, speaking to BBC News, said there was no random disease or bite mark on the leg. “So the best idea we have is that it was an animal that died quickly, almost instantly.” uses the terms. On the other hand, some experts take a slightly more shy approach to this bet.

The fossil is said to need further study

Research professor at Southern Methodist University, Anthony Fiorillo, an expert in taponomy focusing on how objects become fossils, said the leg was “well-preserved”. by expressing that the fossilized soft tissue in the leg is intact; He notes that this is also unusual for dinosaur fossils.

Noting that the story of the research team is quite interesting, however, Fiorillo states that some details are ‘missing’ again. On this, Fiorillo said, “A corpse decomposes, so it’s just as true that this animal is dead and this leg, the tissue that holds it in place, is degraded to the point where some kind of sedimentological event pulls it from the animal and buries it 30 meters from where the rest of the corpse was found.

Liz Freedman Fowler, an assistant professor of biological and geological sciences at Dickinson State University in North Dakota, provides a basis for Fiorillo’s fuss. Stating that there is not much surface tissue in the fossil, Fowler said, “There is not much surface tissue in the fossil.

Fowler also notes that it is unusual to have such a set of preserved fossils in the same place, adding, “There are presumably footprints there. we heard We want to see how that leg looks on the ground and compared to the fish fossils there. “We’ve only seen the individual modules, but not the big picture of how they really fit together.”