Modern technology is rapidly changing the world we live in, presenting numerous possibilities to improve how machines interact with and...
The world's oldest known land creature is a giant tortoise named Jonathan. Although it is known that some moderate creatures live long, there ...
Amber has a great value for science because the things trapped in it can still be preserved to the present day without deteriorating at a level ...
Genital herpes is sexually transmitted. In some individuals, herpes may not occur in the genital areas even if the virus is infected. Although ...
Although gene therapy and gene editing studies have very promising potential, ethical debates on the subject continue. Despite all the turmoil ...
Scientists continue their research on diseases that have terrible consequences all over the world, such as cancer, without slowing down. It is ...
Until now, nearly all pediatric liver cancers were classified as either hepatoblastoma or hepatocellular cancer. However, as a result of new ...
To question whether water conducts electricity or not, let's go back to the times when we took science lessons in a primary school. Many of us ...
Many of us turn to painkillers as a solution when we encounter pains such as headaches that cool us from life. Now it's not just humans; It ...
One of the interesting things about science is that we know more about space than we do about the seas. As studies continue to discover what is ...
Many people spend hours playing video games, one of the most recognizable activities of our time. For this reason, it is said that playing ...
According to the fifth of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, in which various mental disorders are defined, diseases ...