Thirst causes urinary tract infection

Most of the body consists of water. Organs need water for healthy functioning. Individuals who do not consume enough water begin to experience various ailments.

Experts stated that kidney functions will be adversely affected when not enough fluid enters the body.

Stating that all organs need water for their proper functioning, Nephrology Specialist Dr. Burak Canver stated that 60-70 percent of the human body consists of water and made the following statements regarding the factors that cause water loss:

“Thirst develops due to insufficient intake or loss of water, which constitutes a large part of our body. important conditions are diseases such as diarrhea, vomiting, sweating and diabetes that cause a large amount of urination.Water allows waste elements in our body to be excreted in the form of urine

Thanks to this, nutrients are transported to the kidneys and other organs in the veins and our kidneys are nourished as well. When thirst develops, disruptions in the nutrition of the organs begin to occur. When moderate thirst develops, a feeling of weakness occurs.

If there is a significant thirst, then kidney failure can result in nausea, vomiting and coma. can lead to For this reason, it is absolutely necessary to increase fluid consumption, especially before and after sports activities, in hot and humid weather and in cases where there is fluid loss such as diarrhea.


Studies have shown that long-term low water consumption causes permanent kidney damage. Moderate thirst causes accumulation of toxic waste elements and proteins such as myoglobin, which is released as a result of muscle wasting.

In particular, myoglobin is a toxic protein that causes damage to the kidneys and impairs the functioning of the kidneys. Dehydration can also lead to kidney stones and urinary tract infections. These diseases can cause kidney failure if not treated promptly. Consumption of sufficient water prevents the crystals from combining to form stones, while increasing the activity of antibiotics and increasing the amount of urine, allowing bacteria to be excreted through the urine.


If your urine is dark yellow, it means you consume a small amount of water. However, if your urine color is close to orange or red, or if the urine color does not change with increased water consumption, then you should consult a doctor and have a urine test done. Every individual’s need for water is different. The need for water varies according to weather conditions, your physical activity and accompanying diseases. For example, in diseases such as heart failure or cirrhosis, fluid restriction is recommended for patients. If you do not have any accompanying disease, increasing your water consumption so that your urine color will be light will provide you with a healthy life.