What is attention deficit, what are the symptoms, if you always lose your belongings…

With the turmoil of daily life, we sometimes challenge our minds and even feel that this situation is wearing them out physically and mentally. but one of the issues that should be considered is the lack of attention, although it may seem that it is not something to be overlooked. Do not pay any attention to those who say, ‘Oh dear, 1-2 hours of rest will pass’! You may encounter some accidents after a while due to the lack of attention that you cannot handle. So what causes attention deficit? What are the symptoms of attention deficit?

Inability to focus, short focusing time; It has symptoms in the form of a shift of focus to a random sound coming from outside. Forgetting, procrastinating, losing possessions, and avoiding mental exertion are in the midst of the main symptoms.


Attention deficit can be seen frequently in familial transmissions. The most valuable risk factor for attention disorder is genes, familial transmission is common. “I had these symptoms when I was little,” often report parents of rated children. Although environmental factors contribute, it is not a direct cause of disease.
Although ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorderis an appropriately defined disorder, it is known as a disorder especially seen in school age in childhood, which may cause the diagnosis to be missed in adulthood. In individuals diagnosed with ADHD in childhood, impulsivity and hyperactivity symptoms decrease in adulthood, and a decrease in attention becomes more prominent. ADHD treatment is carried out with both drugs and psychosocial interventions. With appropriate treatment, the quality of life increases.