Don’t throw away the cherry stems! 5 unknown health benefits

In many countries of the world, the cherry stem is used especially in diuretic and purifying drugs. Today, many studies confirm the use of cherry stalk against water retention, weight problems, and kidney system dysfunction.

Swelling is seen on the legs and arms of individuals who hold water, or rather a lymph fluid, in their tissues, diuretic herbs help to remove these swellings. Draining water and toxins in this state also helps individuals start a weight loss diet.

In cases of urinary discomfort, kidney and urinary tract infections or kidney stones, the cherry stalk can increase kidney activity and urine flow, thereby relieving discomfort.

benefits of cherry stem

5 benefits of cherry stem

Cherry stalk owes its properties to the composition of natural active ingredients. The composition of the cherry stem contains potassium, polyphenols including tannins, and flavonoids such as flavanones, malic acid, citric acid, and organic acids.

Some studies have shown that cherry stems can contribute to the detoxification of the body, thereby helping with weight loss and dealing with certain ailments.

It is a good diuretic

Cherry stalk tea has a diuretic effect. Drinking cherry stem tea regularly is an excellent natural remedy for activating urinary functions. It is ideal in case of urinary tract infection or cystitis. It is also known to be effective in effort with constipation. This also facilitates the elimination of toxins.

Cherry stalks are used to support the kidney system, promote the excretion of toxins and prevent kidney stones. Cherry stalk is a natural remedy that should be considered in edema and rheumatic pains such as joint, arthritis, or osteoarthritis, thanks to its diuretic power related to its activity against the accumulation of lymphatic fluids in the tissues.

Cherry stalk is an effective way to start the general purification process of the body to prevent any fluid blockage in any part of the body.

Cleanses toxins

Cherry stalk tea is a great natural detox drink. Drinking cherry stem tea systematically helps to remove waste and toxins from the body. During dieting, this tea is a sufficient aid to lose weight and melt belly fat. Fights against water retention and cellulite. It is great for cleansing the body and cleansing blood.

It is a powerful antioxidant

Free radicals are by-products of the splitting of a molecule. They become highly dangerous and play a role in the emergence of certain diseases such as infections, cardiovascular diseases, cancers, cellular aging, and cataracts.

The presence of certain plants with antioxidant properties makes it possible to work against the damaging effects caused by free radicals. Cherry stalks are one of them.

Thanks to its antioxidant activity, which is mainly due to its constituent polyphenols, the cherry stem is ideal for striving with free radicals and oxidative stress, which helps prevent the development of various age-related diseases. It is effective against many diseases such as eye disorders, skin wrinkles, and arthritis.

It has a weakening effect

In addition to the detox effect of cherry stem tea, it also has weakened properties. Thanks to its composition, the cherry stem is purifying. Thanks to the potassium and polyphenols in their content, it helps to remove toxins and helps to lose weight.

This detox effect makes it possible to manage the weight gain of cherry stems and to promote the evacuation of accumulated liquids in the fatty parts.

It is the flavonoids found in cherry stems that help limit the risk of obesity or reduce excess weight. With a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle, cherry stalks with vitamins C and E protect the health of the body and serve as a weakening agent.

Cherry stalk tea also acts as a feeling of satiety and a natural appetite suppressant.

Makes hair shine

Cherry stalk can be used to shine hair. For this, it is sufficient to rinse the hair with cherry stem tea. Dull, dry hair needs moisture. And to shine, one of the 100 percent natural remedies that enhance their natural glow is the cherry stem.

Boil water, and add a handful of cherry stalks. Let it steep for 10 minutes and when the water is warm, use it as a rinse on washed and towel-dried hair. Do not rinse your hair and let it dry.

How to make cherry stem tea?

Let the cherry stems dry for about two days. It’s ready when the stems are dry. For true dosage, brew 2 tablespoons of cherry stem in 500 ml of water. Boil for 10 minutes. Take it off the heat, cover the lid and let it brew for 10 minutes. All that remains is to filter and drink.

You can dry the cherry stems and store them in an airtight jar or freeze them.

To enjoy the benefits of cherry stem tea, it is recommended to drink 2 to 3 cups a day. The taste of the tea is a little sour and not very good. So you can dilute it with a little cold water and add a drop of honey to sweeten the drink.

In the case of kidney failure, such diuretic drinks may do more harm than good.