7 conditions that always cause the feeling of hunger

The body gets the energy it needs for normal functioning from food. It is quite normal to feel hungry if you have not eaten for hours. But if you notice that you are always hungry, even after a meal, this may indicate a health issue.

Increased hunger can be a symptom of health issues. If you are always hungry, it may be time to see a doctor.

Here are the 7 most common conditions that can cause hunger.


When the body is under tension, it secretes cortisol, a hormone that can increase hunger even when it is not in need of calories. Cortisol sends signals to the brain that you are not full, and therefore tension causes many people to overeat.

Of course, there are much healthier ways to deal with tension and eating too much is not a solution. If you’re under tension, don’t turn to food quickly and resort to ways that can reduce your tension, such as breathing exercises, walking, meeting with loved ones, and spending more time in nature.


Diabetes affects blood sugar levels, so one of the symptoms of this disease may be increased hunger. Appetite increases when blood sugar levels are not stable, and when the increased appetite is suppressed by unhealthy foods, appetite continues to increase exponentially soon after.

It is valuable to keep blood sugar levels stable and avoid unhealthy foods such as easy carbohydrates and processed foods. In addition to hunger, diabetes can cause symptoms such as frequent urination, increased thirst, fatigue, dry skin, blurred vision, and lack of concentration.


Many people confuse hunger and thirst, and if you think you are always hungry, your body is probably craving water. Dehydration (dehydration of the body) can cause not only thirst but also hunger.

When you’re hungry, try to drink a large glass of water first so you can quickly tell if it’s hunger or thirst. Adequate fluid intake is very valuable for general health and it is recommended to drink eight glasses of water a day.


Deterioration of mental health can trigger many health problems and therefore may lead to increased hunger. Individuals struggling with depression or anxiety often eat heavy meals in the hope that the food will comfort them or improve their mood.

Mostly unhealthy foods such as cake, dessert or fast food are used. Unfortunately, junk food is not a cure for depression. If you are prone to frequent mood swings or anxiety disorders, it would be reasonable to seek professional help from a psychotherapist.


If you’re always hungry and notice sudden weight loss, there’s a good chance you have a thyroid problem. A condition in which the thyroid gland is overactive is called hyperthyroidism and occurs when the thyroid gland produces too much hormone.

In addition to increased hunger and weight loss, increased thyroid function can cause a host of other symptoms, including finitude, rapid heartbeat, fatigue, and profuse sweating.


Increased appetite can also occur as one of the side effects of taking certain drugs, especially antidepressants and steroid drugs.

If you notice that certain medications cause severe hunger, talk to your doctor about a more adequate alternative.


When you don’t sleep properly, your body has difficulty regulating the hormones responsible for controlling appetite. Many studies show that people who suffer from insomnia tend to eat much more calories throughout the day.

When you’re sleep deprived, you eat more often even when your body doesn’t need calories. Quality sleep is valuable for overall health, so try to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night.